Freedom, No Boredom, Less Worries, no worries, Less tales of horror, Free from all terror, Free from errors, Perfection yet to be explored, Freedom, Very Powerful idiom, Absolute Freedom will come with God's kingdom. Freedom!!!!!!
Pride on d rise, riding on too much pride can cause an outcry, pride is ok but must be moderate. Don't cultivate pride dat will ride on people's feelings. Be Proud but don't offend d crowd.
Thinking, Clinging to my survival tactics, No matter the little dime i earn, God pls give me contentment, Lord i need discernment, May our Fruitful desires never Decline, Up and up we shall climb.
Loyalty, Being accountable is not easy, Being the best is greasy, But never cease in doing the best, it pays, its a conscience gain, We will surely attain fame in God's Kingdom.
Follow the love thread, Dread hatred, Love direct, Let love erect, Let it have effect, Love is so much correct. Let love direct affectionately. Spread the word
We should embrace tolerance, We should embrace it without hindrance, Tolerance complements endurance, Tolerance connotes peace, It promotes unity, It promotes simplicity, With it the world can at least be a better place to Survive. We are all humans with the red fluid flowing in our veins, No matter the imperfection, lets survive in accord. Before Paradise comes, lets make this place a semi Paradise, Dynamic blessings to us all, Dynamic Energy from God. Peace and love
Take it slow or take a blow, Enjoy life's flow, Enjoy life's many shows, Only God knows, Make sure you take note, Take note of life's many opportunities, A fine way to deal with the harsh realities. One love. Share Love, Feel love, Appreciate Love, Peace and love to everyone.
No matter the obstacles, No matter the obstruction, No matter how bad the situation is, A determined heart will always get even. A determined heart will break barriers, Determination is a wonderful catalyst, List it in your goals, Success that will unfold, Hold on to Determination.
God is the plenipotentiary ruler of Life, For best solutions this year, consult him, He will give you good result. Wishing us the ultimate best this year.
Seasons come, seasons go, May all seasons give us a reason to be happy, May we never experience seasons that will make us grumpy. May we always be groovy. With God, the best will come.